Financial Exchange Training Center is a specialized center in issues related to stock exchange. It is founded in 2015. It is a unique center of kind not only in Kurdistan Region, rather in Iraq as a whole. It is unique in the sense that no other university or academic institution has ever adopted such a gigantic specialized academic citadel enhanced by selected specialists and professionals of the university academic staff who are well experienced in stock exchange business on the one hand. On the other, it is supplied with technical and admin equipment that help in accomplishing this unique activity in Iraq. An official agreement is made with Erbil Stock Exchange Market (ESX) to develop an enriching and specialized program in this field so that it becomes a pioneer pillar for those who work in stock exchange business whether as investors or activists in financial exchange companies that are active in stock market. This center is to provide accredited certificates acknowledged by the stock market in the Region. It also opens courses to train and qualify the participants who pass these courses in order to enable to find jobs at sulaymaneyah Financial Market.